Red Snapper


There are over a hundred snapper species (Lutjanid family) found in tropical waters around the globe, with roughly a dozen varieties fished in the Gulf of Mexico and off the southern Atlantic coast of the United States. Most of them are prized by both commercial and sport fishermen and loved by cooks for their tasty, firm, versatile flesh. The king of this royal family is the true American red snapper, Lutjanus Campechanus, is most abundant in the Gulf of Mexico and off the Florida coast. It is an attractive, medium-sized fish with sublime flavor and firm texture that have made it a favorite among chefs. The lean, white flesh has a nutty sweetness and an aroma of the open sea. The brilliant red color of the fish’s skin is an added plus, one that can be used to advantage for a dramatic presentation.

Red Snapper are low in calories, high in protein and mineral salts and, like all coral reef fish, they are much appreciated in lean and healthy cuisine.

“The Red Snapper, Lutjanus Campechanus, is a reef fish found off the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the Americas and in the Gulf of Mexico.”

Red Snapper Nutritional Information
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